duminică, 18 octombrie 2009
Reflections of a skyline
La margine de cer, fiecare isi cerseste iubirea si si-o scrie, cum stie, cum poate.
Gandeste-te putin? What if?
duminică, 11 octombrie 2009
Something about me

There is a big difference between what they think they know, and what really resides inside,you''ll tell me one day " I've grown tired too!"
I know what I am and cannot change, would no change the parts of me that may scare, may cause this stir, may alienate,I do not want to be accepted for who I am , I just want to run wild for a while.
I do not want to change the course of the wind in my hair, the strength of my grip, the pase of my walk, I want to let it be out there in the open, just like all the storm and clouds above my heart...let there be lightning!
Falling down right into place

I am no longer sorry for all the things I’ve done for now I know it was not all in vain. I am just mad at wanting, mad at this unclear line of sight, mad at the rainbow, for not coming out, at me, at you…
No I am mad at time for you have no fault, nobody should be blamed for being who they really are, for living up to their full potential and just being willing to forget who they are and settle for today and right now.
I thought that running meant arriving in one spot; I thought it would mean something, but I was on a trip in my own mind. Running with scissors. It cuts, deep and when you wake up from the pain you realize that you have been the masochist all along. Desperately, trying to hang on to every glimpse, to every silly try, every muttered word, dear girl you’ve been tricked by life.
The day you have most been waiting for will never come because as we know it by now: “the easiest way to lose something is to want it too badly”
Petty little things about me…I am done being who I was; I am done trying to be Braveheart and heal what cannot be healed and hide all this inside. Done hiding, done playing the game, I am tired of all your tricks and lost the desire to be lost, in your infinite madness.
I could have, I should have, but life is really what you make of it and will not feed on “ could have, would have, should have”, it will feed on your actions and real soul playing. This time I am not willing to bet mine!
Boa sorte, dear friend!