I am not the girl that your mum would like for you, or dreamed about for that matter, no mamma's little boy should fall into my hands, because I will not be held responsible.
I drink and smoke, and smoke some more...a sweet cigar or something of same sort, at liest I know the gesture, that helps, right?!
I get drunk on red whine while wearing white, I tell bad jokes and I am not a feminist, I sometimes judge books by their cover and don't even bother reading them.I smile with ingratitude when paid a compliment, I spill things and don't cry about it.
I am weak and a coward, I bale on people who in my opinion don't always deserve it or have it coming and I disappear without ever calling again.
I am not an angel but the devil either, not a femme fatale and never pretend to be or wish, not a prayer but not the worst sinner either ( thought I do have my fare share).
I may be the one you mum warned you about, and I was not always this, i was good and kind and considerate, but it didn't work out.
So one day I threw the diary into the back corner of my room, painted the walls green,changed my hair and became this monster.
Come on people, free sale,comes cheep, cause nobody likes cowards or people who drink and smoke and smoke some more.