A todos princesinhas du mundo, we wish you : boa sorte!
PS: That is all left to say, when nothing else can be done, changed and when all energy has gone down the drain. May you all be happy in your little castles with the high towers and hopefully the frogs you all kiss now will turn into the prince...but we have left the building:).
And yes this is a post that only the few understand, but to us it is all we have learned!
And yes this is a post that only the few understand, but to us it is all we have learned!
2 comentarii:
viata la regat cu matase de broasca si cu turnuri in care se ascund printese ce nu vor a fi prinse...
e previzibila.
nu are farmec.
supereroii salvatori nu mai sunt la moda.
asa ca printesele din turn vor ramane singure mereu, iar broastele vor orocai cu suratele lor intr-o balta urat mirositoare.
noi sa fim sanatosi! :)
Si nici macar salvate nu vor sa fie, caci multe nu fac nimic pentru asta, si atunci nici un print nu se mai milostiveste de ele si raman singure...sau pardon cu broastele din regat, una mai urata alta mai mirositoare, ca orice broasca...cu putin noroc...
exact sa ne bucuram noi de viata, de minunile mici...pentru ele boa sorte!
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