joi, 23 iulie 2009

Stilness of heart

I'm out here on the street

There's no one left to meet

The things that were so sweet

No longer move my feet…

All that I want is

Stillness of heart

So I can start

To find my way

Out of the dark

And into your heart
Still I feel this heat, I am feeling incomplete….

PS: There is no trying to break out the darkness because as I’ve said before I am the coward and when things get tough I bale. I don’t want to bale now and you should know that, but I did not even begin to tell this story, a new story. As all new stories this one starts off as being too complicated, hard to reach and almost impossible for me to comprehend...but when you hold me like that...the world just stops...I wonder about so many things...but you I feel!

2 comentarii:

U2 spunea...

I keep trying, keep on trying.Nu ai stiut sa-l asculti pe Leny, cand ti-am spus ca nu intelegi, am stiut intodeuna ce spun.
Pentru ultima data "you little beautiful, oversensitive" girl!

The Little Wondering Lady spunea...

You said, she said, than we all remainde silent, still.There is nothing left to friend!